Tennis Wollongong has been working with West Wollongong Rotary to help the children of Samoa.  

Recently they sent over a container of sporting equipment including many tennis balls donated by Tennis Wollongong and other sporting goods donated by groups such as the City of Wollongong Tennis Club and Aces Tennis Centre. 

While over there some Rotary members walked around Samoa giving out some of the tennis balls and they have told me of the joy that such a simple thing gave the children.   They have provided a photo of one of the children and said that this was the first toy that the child had ever received.

Rotary also told us of schools with just two footballs for all the kids to use and one school that had 1 tennis racquet and how 7 of the racquets we donated have gone to that school.

We are still collecting items to send to Samoa so if you wish to donate anything such as clothes, sporting goods or books please contact
David Stratton on 0404 476 121.   Rotary can collect direct from you if necessary so please see what you have lying around unused and consider if the children of Samoa would get some benefits from it.